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What is its main advantage?

You are interested in having statistical information about your clients: sex, age, income level…

This information will help you understand them better so you can segment them and focus your message.

You also need to find out how they feel about your product: do they have a good understanding of the concept of a “self-growing mushroom kit”?

How do you feel about him?

Does it help them meet any needs?

How much would you be willing to pay?

For buyers from your competitors who consume products similar to yours, the information will be particularly interesting.

You need to find out how they made brazil phone number list their purchasing decision: how and when did they realize they wanted to grow mushrooms themselves?

What need do they want to satisfy by acquiring it?

Where did they look for the information?

What other products did you consider before making your decision?

What made you choose that particular brand?

How much are they paying for it?

It is also advisable to include questions that allow you to find out what the ideal product would be like.

Prepare some questions to get ideas for improvement: What is most important to you about the product?

Can you think of any way to improve it?

What is missing or what is left over from your point of view?

Choose your tools
Now that you have more precisely defined cxb directory what you need to know, it is time to define the script for your questionnaire or interview.

You can choose between online, telephone or in-person surveys, personal interviews or focus groups.

The most commonly used tool is the online interview

However, if your budget allows it, you growing your own mushrooms? should not rule out focus groups or personal interviews, as they will provide you with very useful information.

The focus group will allow you to delve deeper into certain aspects and find out what needs your product leaves unmet.

Whenever possible, use more than one technique.

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