The title and link elements are the most important for following an RSS feed in Discover. Google also parses elements within other elements.
Google has made several changes to two SEO help documents. The changes include clarifying that the title and link elements are most important for following an RSS feed in Google Discover, and that Google also parses elements within other elements, such as the picture element.
Following the Google Discover RSS feed
Google has added a new line to the Get On Discover documentation in the feed instructions for the Follow feature in Google Discover.
The most important content for the estonia mobile database Follow feature is the <title> element and <link> elements. Make sure your channel includes these elements.
Obviously, if you care about good performance of the Follow feature in Chrome, you should include a <title> element and <link> elements in your RSS feed.
Google Image SEO Best Practices Update
Google has also updated its SEO best practices for images document to clarify that Google parses <img> elements when indexing images, even if they are enclosed in other elements (such as <picture> elements).
The document stated: “Google parses the HTML of your pages to index images, but does not index CSS images.” Now it reads:
“Using semantic HTML markup helps crawlers find and process images. Google parses HTML <img> elements (even when enclosed in other elements, such as <picture> elements) on your pages to index images, but it does not index CSS images.”
Why do we care?
If you want to get more out of Google Chrome’s Follow feature powered by Google Discover, or if you want to get better performance with image SEO, read the what is the profile of a data artist? updated documentation provided by Google. More importantly, if you make any changes to your site, be sure to test whether it has a positive or negative impact on your search performance.
Reactive community management can help you Google updates SEO engage, support, and amplify your message to a growing audience. Discuss with your followers under your posts, respond to personal messages and mentions on other profiles. Get beyond superficial, fake metrics to real thought leadership marketing KPIs.
You can measure the results of
Your social media activity using Google Search Console . Check the number of impressions and clicks and compare them to the same period last year. Other global seo work metrics you can track include newsletter signups and event registrations.
Social media marketing is an almost essential addition to your marketing strategy these days. Its advantage is that it combines two elements from the 4P marketing mix, promotion and distribution, and is one of the best examples of how to achieve the best return on investment (ROI). But what you must not forget is that each marketing platform requires a different approach.