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And on the other side

Soulless oom


Despite the abundance of applications for online meetings, it is difficult to maintain emotional contact between people in a remote office. This greatly overseas data affects communications, especially in such a difficult period. Many issues are discussed in correspondence, and sometimes this can lead to misinterpretation of the interlocutor’s words.


Advice from ESET


Shared rituals during remote work help to unite the team. This format is especially suitable for companies whose offices are scattered across cities and countries. The main advantage of team building on online platforms is that the result will remain even when the staff returns to their usual work mode after the end of the pandemic.


ESET has a tradition: every Wednesday, at the what are sms and mms messages: definition and differences company’s expense, 6 employees, randomly selected using a program, go out for lunch together and socialize. The main goal of such lunches is to help colleagues from different departments get to know each other better.


Tasty Wednesday has moved online with us. The principle is the same: a group of colleagues is randomly selected, who go to lunch on Zoom according to the schedule and spend it together in casual conversations.


ESET recommends not to abandon the traditions that the company has always adhered to. It is necessary to use technological capabilities to the maximum contact lists extent possible to preserve the corporate culture and support employees.




Another “pain” of remote communication is interaction with partners: it is impossible to organize a meeting in a neutral setting. But even in this case, the crisis should be perceived as a time of opportunity.


Partners can be interested not in interesting leisure activities or souvenirs, but in involving them in the world of the company.


Advice from ESET: Guests in a remote office


Not all companies have a developed corporate culture. That is why we decided to make our internal events open to partners: creative and educational master classes, Anti-Virus Charging, online bar and cinema.


Involving partners in our internal processes simplifies communication with them. It reminds us that on the other side of the screen sits a living person who has not only deadlines, task lists and projects, but also a personality with their own problems and interests.


The crisis has united everyone around a common problem. Therefore, today it is more important than ever to remain sensitive and attentive to each other. Thus, it is possible to establish not only internal but also external communications, providing support to employees of partner companies.



The quicksand of routine


Theaters, museums, parks – all this is now unavailable. For many, the lack of variety can become painful and lead to a significant decrease in productivity, and even kill enthusiasm at work. After all, with each passing day, the routine sucks you in so much that everything around you loses its meaning.


Advice from ESET: Add some color


Conduct master classes on a variety of topics. You can prepare one yourself or bring in an expert who will teach the team to meditate, dance, or even paint with wine.


It would be sad to give up all of this because of the transition to remote work. Employees will long remember the online master class on painting with wine, dedicated to the conscious consumption of alcoholic beverages.

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