If your company does digital marketing, you have noticed at Takuu how quickly marketing technologies have developed. When development is fast and there are a huge number of options, it can be difficult to distinguish which tools are truly useful for your company’s sales, lead acquisition or other marketing and sales measures monitoring needs.
So how do you choose the right marketing technologies for your company’s needs? This blog will deepen your understanding of different technology solutions and how they fit into your digital marketing strategy as interpreted through the MRACE® framework .
Marketing technologies
And the marketing automation that belongs to them have experienced a significant change in recent years. Taking marketing technologies seriously Switzerland Phone Number List as part of company sales and marketing is no longer the exclusive right of the most advanced technology houses and stock exchange giants, and a shortcut to breathtaking results.
On the contrary – today, marketing technologies are within everyone’s reach and companies in all industries have adopted various tools that speed up, facilitate and enrich sales and marketing processes. That’s why it’s hard to imagine that in the current situation, many companies can compete for the best customers only by stoically calling through cold contact lists.
When the decision to utilize new technologies
- The selected technologies can be use to demonstrate a measurable benefit in marketing.
- The technologies work seamlessly together. The risk of information siloing is minimize.
At SDM, we do marketing and measure Phone Number HK its effectiveness through the MRACE® model . In this model, the stages of digital sales and marketing are divided into R each, Act , C onvert and Engagement stages, which divides the customer’s life cycle into clearly distinct stages. If you are not yet familiar with the model, you can read more about it here .