In the B2C world we have been talking for many years about multichannel (ability to serve customers from several channels) and omnichannel (ability to serve our customers unequivocally regardless of the . Channel in question). But due to the gap in the evolution of digital in B2B, it is something that we are starting to talk about now and we treat it as a standard that we have inherited from . B2C. If our clients have tried digital sales during confinement and want it to continue that way, what do you think they expect to happen from now on in their new commercial interactions? What are they going to demand of us. Well, we are able to transfer our traditional activity to the digital channel. So easy to say, and not . So easy to do. This additional channel also implies that the processes are fast, transparent and, as I said before, are capable of showing the company’s expertise .
Main changes in B2B sales after COVID
Looking at the data that I just gave you (you can go deeper into the study here ), there are two . Major conclusions that are quite clear: B2B sales have become digital This was a change that was coming. Professional sales have long been looking for ways to shorten. Sales times and the associated costs caused by successive meetings and trips. Since there industry email list was no other way to do it during confinement,Therefore, this change was the only option. Everything had to be done remotely. It was something that caused some rejection, but upon being forced to do it and realizing that it works equally or better, both sides of the negotiation are delighted with the change. I am not a supporter. Nor do I think it is optimal for 100% of the process to be . Therefore, Digital in all sectors. I don’t think extremes are good at all. Not everything in person, not everything digital.
Companies that offer a good digital experience have a greater chance of being hired
The first consequence is that our website has to become the support for most of the . Phases of the purchasing process, both at the level of functionalities and content. This implies changing its role from an informative website to a commercial website. Until now the role of the web in B2B was at the top Phone Number HK of the purchasing process (awareness and the initial consideration part), and now its responsibility reaches the final . Part of the consideration stage. It may seem like a small step, but in B2B it is a huge distance. To cover this stage we have to: Provide the websites with explanatory . Content (in the extension and formats that are necessary), and above all, add commercial functionalities that allow . Digital interaction with the sales team (live chats or video chats, the possibility of setting appointments, online demos , budget calculators, etc. etc.).