Since Pinterest has not yet reached the same number of users as, for example, Facebook and Instagram owned by Meta, advertising on Pinterest is a little more affordable. Pinterest advertising is also exceptionally great because even a cold audience is often ready to buy. In Pinterest advertising, the conversions may therefore start already from the Reach phase!
Pinterest advertising according to the
Let’s look at Pinterest advertising next according. With the help of our MRACE® model, we implement digital sales and marketing for our customer companies, which we develop in a data-driven manner.
The model consists of four different stages of the sales funnel, the cornerstone of each of which is Measure. The four stages of the sales funnel are Reach, Act, Convert and Engage, of which Reach and Convert are the most significant in terms of Pinterest advertising.
Measure – measure the right things correctly
Measurement and the data-driven development based on it is the foundation of everything we do. Defining the metrics used in Pinterest depends in particular on your company’s goals. We achieve our goals best when setting them is based on data, which we can also use in the development and optimization of advertising.
The measurement of Pinterest advertising is done with the help of a piece of code, the Pinterest tag, which is added to your website. With the help of the tag, the flow Italy Phone Number List of visitors to your website and the actions they perform can be measure. This, in turn, is a prerequisite for optimizing and developing advertising, as well as measuring the effectiveness of campaigns. Other actions that can be measured include micro-conversions and conversions on your website.
Reach – reach your (possibly already ready to buy) cold audience
Reach is the first stage of our sales funnel, during which we target a cold audience. This is one of the hottest phases of Pinterest advertising, because unlike Phone Number HK many other channels, even a cold audience on Pinterest is often already in the mood to buy and aware of the problem.
In the Reach phase, it is easy for your company to reach the target audience, increase brand recognition and visibility, and offer your company’s product or service as a solution to users looking for ideas. The Reach phase is the most significant from the point of view of Pinterest advertising.