The January slope is coming and how you can take advantage of it

It’s time to get your act together again. The good thing is over and we have to pick up speed to overcome the January slope with force. It’s not necessarily the best month of the year to make a lot of sales once the holidays are over. This does not mean that you cannot take […]

These are the 4 areas where you are losing money with your online business

It’s a challenge and I’m honestly not sure if I’m going to achieve it. Right now I am running 5 businesses in parallel and most of them are in full development. business opportunitiesPhoto rights to Fotolia When you pull a lot of strings you have to be able to achieve a basic understanding of how […]

The most underestimated e-commerce pillars

Did we wake up a little more crazy than normal today? Could be. The news in Loogic about the purchase of Xidere by Beguerrilla has also influenced it . It seems that a circle has closed since Javier Martín was also the first to write about my first online project in Spain Coguan. icebergPhoto rights […]

These are the topics that will spread their tentacles

2023 is already on the horizon and it is time (absolutely non-extendable) to start making plans with an eye on the next twelve months. Marketing designs are in many ways inscrutable, but it never hurts to try to anticipate them . For this reason, the independent agency group Serviceplan Group has taken the trouble to […]

All the winners of El Chupete 2022

D’Artacán, a character created by the recently deceased Claudio Biern. Awarded the Jury’s Special Pacifier for Best Children’s Character The Biern family collected the award to an emotional ovation. Likewise, from the organization of El Chupete. Special Pacifier was awarded this time to Santiago Segura. For his entire career as a children’s communicator. Especially for […]

SunMedia hires Borja Valdivielso as Client Partner Director

SunMedia , the leading Spanish adtech in video, mobile and native , has incorporated Borja Valdivielso as Client Partner Director to strengthen and develop relationships with the main advertisers in the advertising sector. In his new position, Valdivielso will be responsible for elevating SunMedia’s value proposition, as well as understanding the opportunities offered by the […]