Seen a negative business impact as a result

Undecided 12.20% Factors contributing to increased investment To gain a bit more insight, we asked those business leaders who were increasing their budgets to indicate reasons why they were doing so. Here’s what they had to say: factors impacting increased digital marketing spend 2024 What does this mean? Despite the economic wobble, 59% of business […]

How to Measure SEO ROI Challenges of Calculating

SEO ROI (return on investment) estimates the business value of all SEO activities in contrast to their cost. It’s one of the most common topics any SEO consultant or manager has to address when it comes to allocating marketing budgets and resources. In its essence, calculating ROI is quite easy and straightforward. But in SEO, […]

Google Uses 20 Canonicalization Signals It’s More

Canonicalization is the process that search engines use to. Determine which version of a page will be indexed and shown. To users when there are duplicates. The chosen version is called the canonical URL, and ranking signals like links. Google Uses Will consolidate to that page. This process is sometimes referred to as standardization or […]

Branded Search vs. Non-Branded Search What’s

Most SEO advice talks about optimizing for keywords that don’t mention your brand because that is how you can attract complete strangers to your business. But what about search queries that do mention your brand? In other words, what about attracting people who are exactly searching for your business? Naturally, you can optimize your website […]

The struggle between big plans and small plans

Follow these six tips to plan projects large and small. Big or Small The first step you need to take is to evaluate your goals and determine which goals count as “small” and which goals count as “big.” Think about how long it will take to reach your goals. What about costs and resources? What is your ultimate goal […]

Get rid of the constraints of planning

Plan Before You Plan Before you dive headfirst into planning your new project, swallow your enthusiasm and figure out what you need to plan for. What are the different things to plan for? What type of information do you need? This will focus your planning so you know exactly what to plan for. Check the information to make sure […]

The benefits of choosing corporate strategy services

It can also help address challenges that businesses may face in the coming years. Key Benefits of Choosing Corporate Strategy Services> When you choose good corporate strategy services, you may be able to improve the overall performance of your organization. When choosing a strategy, it is important to consider the organization’s current and future capabilities. This helps achieve […]

The power of concentration to improve your production

During these June holidays I have been able to finish reading a book that I started a long time ago and that I really loved: the biography of Jobs . I loved it because I was able to learn. The power several super interesting things from it: The details are much more than very important. […]

Online Tools to Master Digital Marketing

How many times have you tried to do a task at work and wasted time looking for an ideal tool for it? Would you like to have the main tools to manage your daily tasks in Online Marketing in a single article or in an e-book? In this article I have decided to compile 40 […]

Five essential awards to be a successful blogger

Would you like to be a fashion blogger or have a successful blog? Do you aspire to be on the list of the most important awards for blogs in Spain? To achieve this you should participate in the best awards that exist for blogs, but do you. Five essential know which ones are the most […]