The subject field contains words identifiable as spam “earn extra money while you sleep” “dear friend” “free beyond belief!” you can bet that messages of this type will end up straight in the junk mail inbox. Because they contain real alarms for anti-spam filters. 11) the subject field is misleading there are not only anti-spam filters: if the message does not correspond to what was promis in the subject field. The recipient will report the content as unwant. Here are some behaviors to avoid: write “re:” or “fwd:” and other references to previous interviews in the subject field if you have never had contact with the prospect.
If you have never met the recipient
Don’t pretend to know him. The momentary feeling of familiarity will lead to anger and frustration when he understands the press around. 12) texts evidently the result Business Database of copy and paste different fonts and colors in the same text are a sign that the content was copi and past into the email message. Even if it is a pre-set template. It is important to standardize the text so that it is really read. 13) the entire email was copi and past using a template is legitimate.
But copying and pasting
The same text over and over in marketing emails is not. There are areas that ne to be personaliz and adapt depending on the recipient. The company Phone Number HK to which it belongs. And the reference sector. How can you offer value by sending the same message to everyone? 14) the email is simply a link a message like the one in the example below would sound a spam alert for anyone who receives it. Greetings! in fact. Emails that spread computer viruses often contain only links.