The results were similar

Retweet performance tweetySource: Wisemetrics Retweets also work on Facebook, but to a lesser extent than they do on Twitter. The performance of Facebook posts drops much faster. Retweet Performance: Twitter vs Facebook twitter-vs-fb-repetition1Source: Wisemetrics How often to tweet? There are no clear rules for how many times to post one tweet. However, one thing is certain – not all entries should be repeate equally often. In fact, it is audience reactions that determine which content should be poste more often. If, with some repetition, the recipients show that they are no longer intereste in a given information, it is worth giving it up and at most.

Each time the entry attract

Back with it after a longer time. Real-life examples of using multiple tweets Guy Kawasaky Marketing icon Guy Kawasaky considers posting the same whatsapp mobile number list message over and over again to be a key activity on Twitter, and claims that you can successfully post the same tweet up to 4 times a day . To show that repeate tweets make sense, he conducte 2 experiments, the effects of which are visible in the charts below. He decide to post the same tweet 4 times in an 8-hour interval.

Whatsapp Mobile Number List

The second experiment

As a result all entries garnere a total of 5,059 clicks. The most Phone Number HK effective was the first one, which was clicke 1,481 times, but duplicates also enjoye a lot of interest and generate: 1,415, 1,208 and 955 clicks respectively. tweety2Source: American Express In, he decide to check how a tweet publishe once a day for 9 days would be receive. – interest and multiple publications resulte in 4,590 clicks. The graph shows that if the post was publishe only once, the message would lose about 3,900 intereste recipients.

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