Why is Pinterest still a relevant advertising channel

interest advertising is the perfect solution for your company to reach almost a million Finnish Pinterest users, who are on the platform looking for both ideas, inspiration and new discoveries. Users are also often already aware of the problem or even the end result, so it is possible that even the cold audience on Pinterest has purchase intentions.

But is Pinterest already a forgotten or obsolete advertising channel?

In short: it is not. Like Facebook, Pinterest may also need a little myth busting: Pinterest is by no means a forgotten or outdated advertising channel. A similar idea has been smoldering about Facebook as well, which is still the most popular social media in the world.

Let’s start with a small review of what that platform, which is also called a treasure trove of ideas and inspiration, is. Pinterest, the 10th most popular India Phone Number List social media in the world , is a visual search engine where ads do not interrupt the user’s browsing, but blend in with other organic content.

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Pinterest users in numbers in 2023

From other social media platforms in that users go there specifically to get inspire and get to know new ideas, instead of following certain pages Phone Number HK or people. The way Pinterest works is that users browse different subject areas, make their own boards, to which they can add inspirational pins, which can be anything from interior design to book tips and hairstyles.

The richness of Pinterest advertising lies in the fact that it is easy to reach people whose level of awareness of your company’s product or service is only problem-aware or even completely ignorant. However, ignorance does not remove the willingness to buy, so your company has a great opportunity to meet the user’s need with your service.

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