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Company’s value, Let’s see in detail the 2 main steps that you must carry out and the three. parts into which each of them are divided for the process of creating the canvas of our proposal. 1st Client Profile In order to offer your products and/or services. you need to know your customers very well . This will help you better understand what the concerns. problems and needs of your target audience are . Thus, you can design products and/or services that help them solve them. A very useful tool that will help you get to know your clients is an empathy map. where you should try to answer the different questions that will bring you closer to getting to know them. Now, divide your map into 3 parts where you write down the following states of your client.

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Company’s value, Let’s see in detail the 2 main steps that you must carry out and the three. parts into which each of them are divided for the process of creating the canvas of our proposal. 1st Client Profile In order to offer your products and/or services. you need email leads to know your customers very well . This will help you better understand what the concerns. problems and needs of your target audience are . Thus, you can design products and/or services that help them solve them. A very useful tool that will help you get to know your clients is an empathy map. where you should try to answer the different questions that will bring you closer to getting to know them. Now, divide your map into 3 parts where you write down the following states of your client.

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He believes that the best value propositions focus on the frustrations that matter to customers. Especially the most extreme ones. You can do this exercise by giving answers to the question. Could your products and services achieve…? Here are some ideas Phone Number HK Generate savings Make your clients feel better. Eliminate risks that scare you? Etc. Creators of joy This part of creating your value map describes. How your products and/or services create joy for your customers. You must summarize how you intend to generate the results. And benefits that your potential client expects. In addition to those they desire and also those that may surprise them. As with the previous step, try to find answers to the question. How can your products and/or services…

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