Content curation features include the ability to create automat

Netvibes   netvibes netvibes netvibes is an intelligence dashboard platform that offers a single view to manage a multitude of digital sources. You can connect websites. News. Social m  ia. Apps and even smart devices to your dashboard. Content curation features include the ability to create automat   custom actions. View live analytics. And track topics of […]

Postplanner will also help you optimize the format

You can tag sav   content and use an advanc   search to find everything you ne   in the archive. Custom text settings let you personalize your reading experience. And pocket will make recommendations as it becomes familiar with the type of content you save. Key features: save content from any publishing page or app offline mode […]

In addition to social channels and website

Key features: over 500 interest categories to choose from integrates with leading sch  uling tools. Including buffer and hootsuite choose between manual and automatic content sch  uling price: free – $50/mo 23.  scoopit scoop. It contains a powerful content engine that allows you to easily discover.   It and distribute new content. Once you […]