The email does not contain the recipient’s name

Even when a company manages to plan and apply an effective strategy capable of providing a good number of valid business contacts from digital channels. It is quite normal that it also continues to activate traditional email campaigns. Nothing bad. If built well. The point is precisely this: how to create b2b email marketing that is effective and above all does not end up in the spam folder? In this post you will find a list of tips for sending useful. Personaliz messages that represent value for prospects and a summary infographic with the mistakes to avoid.

 How to create b2b email marketing

That is not spam when well written and sent to the right people. Emails are still a very valid digital marketing tool for finding new customers and increasing the revenue B2b Email List of a b2b company. The same cannot be said about campaigns sent generically to lists of purchas contacts who perhaps have never request to receive your emails. Let’s then delve into the mistakes not to make when creating email campaigns.

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b2b email list

Go to the infographic now ! 1) the email does not contain the recipient’s name nobody likes receiving a message that starts with “hello [name]” or “dear madam/dear sir” and it is very Phone Number HK likely that if you don’t know the sender you won’t even continue reading. It is very important to enter the contact name to give the feeling that the message is tailor-made and not sent to hundrs of other people. If you use templates. Check 10 times that you have enter all the recipient’s data; if you rely on a marketing automation platform.

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