With this sensor the machine is able

It is planned that in the future all examination results can be received directly by medical personnel or hospitals. The data sent includes blood pressure, medical history, current illness, etc. In fact, IoT technology has now been applied in the health sector, for example a robot nurse in a clinic in Moscow which helps health workers with their duties during the current pandemic. Transportation Next is the transportation sector. IoT can help humans integrate, control and process information in transportation systems. The application of the internet of things is growing very rapidly and can be implemented in vehicle engines or in steering functions. One example of the internet of things in the transportation sector is cars that can park themselves and cars that .

can drive themselves autopilot

 It is hoped that with the presence of IoT in the transportation sector, the number of accidents can be greatly reduced. Home automation Next in the home sector. Internet of things devices can not only be used in business sectors, but they can also be used for personal purposes. You can make your house completely whatsapp number list automatic, you know, from turning on the lights, turning on electronic devices, and even opening the door of the house. These devices are called smart home peripherals or smart home devices. If you implement IoT in your home, you indirectly have a smart home . Cool, right? It’s not just about convenience, you can also save energy. 

That's because you can control

 smart devices in your home remotely. So, automatically no energy is wasted. Examples of the internet of things in the home are lights that can turn on automatically at night, door locks that can be opened with a fingerprint or with a smartphone , automatic feeding places for animals, automatic flower watering devices, and many more. Environment The last one is the application Phone Number HK of IoT in the environmental sector. Usually the environmental sector uses IoT  IoT machine from being passive to an active and integrated machine or tool. Connectivity The last one is connectivity. Connectivity is also commonly referred to as connections between networks.

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