Advertising in search results or recommended videos

What to consider and what works in the Engage phase: Organic video production: aims to get customers to consume your content voluntarily. Instruction and guide videos: it is important for the customer to better understand how to use the product. These can be used in remarketing.

The number of YouTube ads appearing at the beginning and between the videos is considerable and they usually annoy customers. Instead of such interruptive advertising videos, you can target marketing on YouTube search results or recommended videos and try to get, for example, a customer who has already purchased to more voluntarily get to know your company’s videos and services.

Example Engage – Downloading the app

If you want to get existing customers to download your company’s renewed mobile application, you can target advertising based on your email list. As a format, both traditional YouTube ads and Shorts ads work well in this situation. UPM Metsä’s advertising video clearly highlights the benefits of the application and the video has a clear call to action.

Reach, Act, Convert, Engage – Advertising for all stages?

Can the same video work for all stages of the MRACE® model? The idea of ​​a video targeting all MRACE® phases may sound very utopian. In general, the answer is that the same video rarely serves all stages, but in practice, a particularly high-quality  Malaysia Phone Number List insightful business video can serve all the way from the reach stage to the engage stage, and buyer personas at different levels of awareness . A corporate video or brand video can tell the story of what your company is all about.

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Example YouTube marketing for the Reach, Act, Convert and Engage stages

Savota’s 47-second corporate video has achieved an exceptionally positive reception internationally compared to, for example, any Super Bowl commercial. The video explains what the company produces and where. The successful implementation in line with the company’s brand has led to the fact that the same video has addressed both a cold audience and those who have already bought the company’s products.

With video marketing, you can arouse feelings in both future and existing customers globally. With a brand video, you can gain insight, get to know the products, and it can remind you of how high-quality products the customer has bought in the past.


It doesn’t matter if your video is 14 or 41 seconds long. Since YouTube is full of advertisements, a large part of which do not arouse interest and do Phone Number HK  not remain in the customers’ minds, it is important that the basic marketing issues behind YouTube marketing are in order: your company’s distinguishing factors , value propositions and buyer personas . When these are in order, it is much easier to succeed on YouTube as well.


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