A Short Pinterest Glossary

Pin addition = an image saved on Pinterest, which also acts as a link. One can talk about a kind of visual bookmark. Users can make pin additions, i.e. pin images to their own boards. Through Pinterest, you can therefore get direct traffic to your site if they use your pinning images directly on their boards.

Board = Pinterest users add pins to their own boards, which are like digital versions of traditional memory boards.

Pinterest advertising is not interruptive advertising, but rather merges into the results the user searches for, as a result of which the ads bring the user a sense of added value.

What benefits does Pinterest advertising bring to your business?

Pinterest advertising makes it easy for your company to stay in the minds of desired customer target groups, but also to reach a new audience. Since Pinterest’s advertising formats do not interrupt the user’s browsing, the user’s path Iran Phone Number List to your company could even be described in such a way that people who are interested in your company find your company, while, for example, in Meta’s channels, the pursuit of a cold audience happens in exactly the opposite direction.

Pinterest is also an excellent channel in terms of organic visibility, as your company’s organic pin additions can also appear in users’ searches.

Phone Number List

Pinterest as an advertising channel is also convenient because there, so to speak, the size of your company does not matter. With the help of optimized ads based on the right search words, even a smaller company can rise alongside big brands. The most important  Phone Number HK  thing in Pinterest advertising is a high-quality visual that perfectly matches your company’s brand . We are happy to help in the design, conceptualization and implementation of the visual look according to the MRACE® model.

On Pinterest, content does not expire

Another significant advantage of Pinterest advertising is that on a visual, pinning and ripping channel like Pinterest, content doesn’t age.

This means that users can save your ad on their own board, from which other users can rip content, which increases visibility and makes your content visible for a long time.

This is a unique feature of Pinterest advertising, thanks to which the content practically never gets old on Pinterest!

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